NYC Nature Drawing Club at Open Source Gallery
January 17, 2024
Become a FUNDIS sequence validator!
January 19, 2024If you’ve ever been on a walk with us you will have noticed that we keep obsessive track of all the species we find.
We do in fact keep lists, and those lists go back to 2009. We share them on Facebook, a couple of days after the walk. And we share them via our Walks page, maintained by Ethan Crenson with technical assistance from Amanda Alic.
Check them out here.
These walk lists are a wonderful resource. Curious about what was found on a walk? Check the walk list by date.
Wondering where and how and when a particular species was found? Look in the species list.
Questions about what grows in your local park? Check the Sort by Park list.
Memories of a really special find? Use the search Walk lists feature
Eager to see a complete list of everything we’ve ever recorded on a walk? Take a peek at the All Walks Combined Checklist. It’s a lot!
It’s all very easy to use and fun to do on a cold winter’s night. I encourage you to bookmark this great resource!