Walk lists are back!
January 19, 2024
Welcome to the email archive!
January 21, 2024If you are interested in DNA sequencing and love finding out more about rare and interesting fungi consider becoming a FUNDIS sequence validator. FUNDIS is North America’s pre-eminent fungal conservation organization and they’re currently in the process of documenting, collecting and sequencing 6000 rare and potentially threatened fungi in California. It’s a grant-funded project and validators are paid $18 an hour. It’s a part-time, remote position and validators can live anywhere. Find out more here and here.
Learn more about the FUNDIS California project here – it’s fascinating!
You’ll get to see lots of very cool fungi, join a team of passionate mushroom nerds, learn about sequence validation and help protect fungi. Highly recommended!
Email president@newyorkmyc.org if you have questions