2024 NAMA forays announced
January 12, 2024
Walk lists are back!
January 19, 2024Join the New York City Nature Drawing Club for a free winter nature drawing meetup Saturday, Jan 27th at Open Source Gallery in South Slope, Brooklyn 11215. The club will gather in South Prospect Park at 11am for a guided walk with neighbor Ethan Crenson, ascomycetes specialist of The New York Mycological Society who concentrates on under-appreciated fungi.
Participants are encouraged to collect what they find and identify for observational drawing after the walk. The group will then head down a few blocks away to Open Source Gallery at 12pm where there will be chairs, a table, art materials and microscopes waiting! There the group can gather together and draw the findings from the park to examine them further. The space is a garage-like, semi-outdoor art gallery with propane heaters. Pencils and paper will be available for use or bring your own sketchbook. Dress warmly. Hope to see ya there!
Free! Drawing space in the gallery is limited to 15 people. RSVP to secure your spot! Mushroom walk has open capacity, no limit, all ages.
more info:
Open Source Gallery is an arts-based non-profit in Brooklyn inspired by the open source movement. In the spirit of this free exchange of knowledge, they provide a forum where art intersects with the community and the world at large. More info: https://open-source-gallery.org
NYC Nature Drawing Club is a free art club open to anyone, all ages. Started by two NYC Art Teachers in 2022. We gather together to draw the natural world and provide limited art materials. For more info visit FB / IG @nycnaturedrawingclub