
Sigrid Jakob

Member since 2016, interested in community science, DNA sequencing, microscopy and sharing my passion for fungi with NYC communities of every kind.

Coprophilous fungi Inocybaceae

Vice President

Ethan Crenson

Member since 2008, Ethan is an ascomycete specialist, concentrating his efforts on dots on sticks, scabs on wood and other under appreciated fungi.



Elan Trybuch

Member since 2017, Elan is a myxomycete specialist, helping to identify species and document the diversity of fungi and slime molds in NYC.



William May

Fell into production accounting for film and television a number of years ago and stayed there. Can be mostly found in the woods or at films, operas, and plays when not crunching numbers

DNA Sequencing


Journei Bimwala

Member since 2023, Journei is a clinical Herbalist, Educator and a Foraging practitioner. As a steward of the land she specialises in finding solutions with the help of plants, trees and fungi.

Herbal Healing


Maya Han

Member since 2020, Maya brings academic teaching experience and extensive engagement with NYC’s art, film, literary, music, and BIPOC communities. As a mycophile, artist, filmmaker, and writer, she is passionate about excavating hidden histories, alternative world making, and community building.

Medicinal fungi

Newsletter Editor

Aki Fujiyoshi

Member since 2022, Aki is a longtime mushroom fan and a recent student of all things fungi.

All fungi

Food Events

Roman Kosoy

Member since 2014. Roman is a computational immunologist endeavoring to understand what keeps us as alive. As a mycophile I endeavor to understand what does not kill us.



Andrew Cannon

Member since 2015, Andrew is particularly interested in phytopathogenic fungi, such as rusts and smuts. He is also passionate about the cultural practices surrounding foraging and consuming fungi. Since 2022, he has maintained a list of all species of fungi available for sale in the city's grocery stores.


Lecture + Workshop Coordinator

Maren Fossi

Member since 2023, Maren is a budding ecologist and lover of all things outdoors, interested in fungal development and diversity, fostering engagement with the natural world and community-led action, and eco-art plus some light foraging.

All fungi


David Hutchinson

Member since 2023, David is a fine art digital printer working with photographers and other creative professionals to produce exhibition prints for galleries and museums. He's been fascinated by fungi ever since encountering a very lurid Calostoma cinnabarium fruiting in a forest many years ago and just needed to learn more.

Calostoma cinnabarium

Walks Cordinator

Dennis Aita

Member since 1982, Dennis has been the NYMS walks coordinator since 1986. Dennis also served as the vice-president of the club from 1987 - 2023. He was also responsible for organizing many of the clubs winter banquets from the late 80's until recent times.

Agaricus, boletes, Lactarius, and Russulas