NYMS Evolution: New Family Plan Details and Volunteer Call!
December 12, 2023
Thank you NYMS members for showing up for our 2023 holiday party!
December 20, 2023Winter is a great season to catch up on your knowledge of fungi. Did you know that your membership entitles you to access our lecture archive which contains dozens of lectures with mycologists and other experts? It also contains a few introductory lectures to mushrooms, which are great for beginners. Simply click on Past Lectures, and then continue to go back further into the past by clicking < Previous Events to see what other lectures are in the archive.
Here are a few highlights:
- Let’s get Started – an introduction to fungi by Paul Sadowski
- How to use microscopy measurement software by Elan Trybuch
- Mushrooms 101 by Ethan Crenson and Sigrid Jakob
- An introduction to Myxomycetes by John Dawson
- Advanced observation + identification by Tom Bigelow and Sigrid Jakob
- The post Maitake mushroom season by Luke Smithson
- Foraging for Mushrooms; Learn your toxic species by Greg Marley
- Decay of the Wood Wide Web by Justine Karst
- Cortinarius Identification by Shannon Adams
- Mycological Mexico: Oaxaca edition by Zachary Hunter
- Gathering Knowledge: Mycophilia in American Culture at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by Madeline DeDe-Panken
- The Science Underground: Mycology as a Queer Discipline by Patty Kaishian