NYMS community partnership coordinator, herbalist, educator and forager Journei Bimwala will lead a captivating kids’ expedition this Saturday September 30 in Pelham Bay Park.
Fun activities will include Mushroom Spore Printing Mushroom hunting, Mushroom Dissection, Mushroom Stamping and a Murder mushroom mystery! Kids will discover different fungal lifestyles and the various roles that fungi play in nature.
The group will meet at 10am at the Pelham Bay Park station, the last stop on the #6 line. We will then take the 10:15 Bx29 bus towards Pelham Bay Park. Once we get off the bus it’s a 20 min walk to the destination but we will do plant ID on the way so it won’t feel long! There are fewer trains running on the 6 train this Saturday so give yourself plenty of time!
Journei’s number is 347-626-4344