Congratulations to the Homola scholarship winners!
July 9, 2024
Get your own copy of Phyllis Ma’s Mushroom Fever zine!
July 12, 2024Rachel Swenie, a Harvard mycologist who many of you will remember from her Chanterelles talk earlier this year, has been working on the genera of Tomentella and Thelephora, trying to get a handle on which species we have in North America and broader diversity patterns.
For this project she neds well-documented collections of Tomentella or Thelephora (with the exception of Thelephora terrestris and Thelephora vialis, for which she already has many collections). Specifically she wants photos of the specimen when fresh and notes on substrate and which types of trees are nearby, all recorded on iNaturalist. You can tag her there at rachel_swenie or email her at rswenie@fas.harvard.edu,