Come read with us! June’s Book Club Reading: Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life, June 24
May 26, 2023
Hymn To Mycology – The Official NYMS Song
June 8, 2023When: Saturday June 3, 10am
Where: Jerome Avenue and 233rd St, North West Corner of the intersection
What to bring (only what you have available, don’t stress over what you don’t): Brown paper bag, 1 orange, water bottle that has a spout, gauze, Ace bandage wrap, oversized t-shirt that’s disposable, steri strip (optional), first aid kit
No registration necessary – free and open to non-members – please share with anyone interested!
Your first aid needs can be met with plants around you. This workshop will discuss variety of emergency situations you can encounter during a hike, long backpacking trip, camping or a day at the park.
You will be introduced to fundamental herbal care concepts, the necessary shift in thinking, wound and infection management using herbs.
This workshop will be taught by NYMS Community Partnership Coordinator Journei Bimwala, who is an afro-roots clinical herbalist, certified holistic health coach, educator and forager.