Not all coral fungi are Ramaria: Field characters and taxonomy of Ramarioid fungi within the order Gomphaceae

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Not all coral fungi are Ramaria: Field characters and taxonomy of Ramarioid fungi within the order Gomphaceae

Martin Axegård
Martin Axegård

This presentation provides an overview of Ramarioid fungi, beginning with how to distinguish Ramaria from other coralloid fungi (Artomyces, Clavulina, etc.), and how to distinguish Ramaria from other Ramarioid genera within the Gomphales. We will then focus on Ramaria and cover distinguishing features of the subgenera. Further, the importance of documenting field characters for identification will be discussed. Many European species can be identified with proper documentation without microscopy, and it is very likely that similar concepts can be applied in North America. A practical key will be outlined, and notes on DNA sequencing considered.

Martin Axegård fell down the Ramaria rabbit hole 3 years ago. Ramaria are some of the most conspicuous members of basidiomycota – colorful, prolific, and frequently growing to an impressive size. They have a reputation of being hard to identify. Martin took this “bad rep” as a provocation and leapt into all the literature on the subject, picking up basic mycological Italian along the way. He is now one of the top Ramaria experts in EU, particularly in the Nordic countries, with a proficiency for identifying them by macroscopic characters. Over the past 2 years, he has sequenced more than 500 collections of Ramaria, providing a more complete picture of species occurring in Sweden. This work has demonstrated that many species have a strictly boreal distribution and are un-described. He is a board member of Stockholms svampvänner (‘Stockholm’s Mushroom Friends’).

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Not all coral fungi are Ramaria: Field characters and taxonomy of Ramarioid fungi within the order Gomphaceae
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