Save the dates for our lecture series!
January 28, 2024
Check out our fabulous newsletter archive!
February 16, 20242023 was a wild ride for the New York Mycological Society – 48 walks, 50 ID meetings, over a dozen lectures, the birth of our very own book club, a nice array of workshops, many community events, several picnics and dinner adventures, two epic festivals, a shiny new website, four gorgeous newsletters and the list goes on!
Did you know that all this goodness was brought to you by a tiny crew of hardworking, unpaid superhero volunteers? And yes, it can be a lot. That’s why we’re shaking things up in 2024. Our big resolution? To make it a easier for more members to jump in, roll up your sleeves, and add your magic to the mix. We’re scouting for fresh faces and spirited souls to join the team. And yes we’re looking at you — we need your skills and enthusiasm!
To that end we’ve created a new section on our website that lists all the different ways to get your hands dirty (literally and figuratively) with the club. These are not one-off opportunities (there will be some of those throughout the year) but chances to steer a project close to our hearts longer term.
Why not take a peek and see how you can dive deeper into club life? It’s a blast, you’ll get to sharpen those skills, rack up some priceless experiences, mingle with fellow fungi enthusiasts, and help us make 2024 another great year for the club.
We look forward to your applications here!
And if you have other ideas for programs you would like to own and lead, email me and our new volunteer coordinator Kyleen Sanchez.
-Sigrid Jakob
President, NYMS