Let’s get New York State its own state mushroom!
February 3, 2023Wanted: Community Partnership Coordinator for NYMS
February 25, 2023
2023 Business Meeting
New York Mycological Society 2023 business meeting
February 19, 2023 2pm
Draft Agenda
- Budget update 2022 numbers
- Membership summary: update on memberships
- 2023 walks: locations, including new
- ID sessions: commencing in-person ID sessions
- Gary Lincoff archive: update on final destination of Gary’s papers
- Auction: online-only auction partners for Gary’s books; other auctions?
- Fungus Fest: update
- Fungus Film Festival: proposal by Maya Han
- Community outreach: update on new community partnership coordinator, potential partners
- Lectures: update on Zoom and live lectures
- Website: hosting, history section, garylincoff.com
- Banquet and/or food events: 2023 planning
- Microscopy workshops: update on online workshop series, live workshop
- Nanopore sequencing: North East Mycoblitz; large-scale nanopore sequencing
- NEMF: update
- Scholarships: Cathy Cripps scholarship awardee? Gary Lincoff scholarship process
- State mushroom: update
- VCP research permit renewal/High Rock Park research permit:: update
- Hand lens program: update
- Newsletter: update
- Digitizing archive: plans?
- Oral history: plans?
- Learning how to become a more effective non-profit: update
- NYMS status report
Watch the full meeting here